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Religious School Registration

North Shore Synagogue logo

Please complete this form for each child enrolled in our Religious School. No application is considered complete unless the Student Enrollment Form and Confidential Family Information Form are filled out in their entirety and payment is received. This is for your child's safety and security. Your cooperation is appreciated.

* In order to complete this form, you will need your child's medical insurance information.

*** THIS IS THE CHECK FORM. Credit card payments are slightly (about 3%) higher to cover our processing costs. Prices are listed below. FOR THE CREDIT CARD FORM, PLEASE CLICK HERE. ***

If your child has a 504 plan, you can upload it here or email it.

New Members: Please make sure you fill out the membership form at the link provided by the office.

Classroom Friend Request

We will do our best to accommodate at least one reasonable and mutual request for class placement. All classes are subject to minimum and maximum enrollment. Please understand that we may not be able to accommodate friend requests in all cases. Please choose no more than two students.

Parent / Guardian 1

Parent / Guardian 2

Non-Custodial Parent

Emergency Contact 1 (Required)
Emergency Contact 2

If your child needs to be picked up early from Religious School, whom do you authorize to sign him/her out? (Photo ID required)

It is important that all children in our religious school have a positive experience in our school. Sharing the following information with our director will help ensure that we meet the needs of your child. All information is confidential.
You can upload a maximum of 2 files.
If not available, you can email it later to religiousschool@northshoresynagogue.org

Health and Safety Information
Authorizations and Waivers

I.    Terms of Enrollment: This application is to enroll your child for the 2024-2025 school year. Religious School runs from September to May. Families will receive a more detailed calendar, indicating when school will be in session. 
a.    All families must be current in synagogue fees and dues, BM fees and all other obligations before Religious School registration will be processed. 
b.    For families under the Religious School Family Membership, the admin and security fee must be paid in full before registration will be processed.
c.    All students must be enrolled in 7th grade Religious School in order to be eligible for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

II.    Payments: A deposit is required to enroll your child in Religious School. Payment of the balance of the tuition and book/supply/youth group/security fee is due before the start of school. No child will be permitted to attend class until payment is made in full. 

III.    Withdrawal/Changes: 
a.    If a registered child is withdrawn from Religious School prior to the first day of class, full tuition and book/supplies/activity fee will be  refunded, less a $150 administration fee. 
b.    If a registered child is withdrawn from Religious School on or before November 1st of the current school year for any reason including those set forth in (c) below, one-half of the full tuition will be refunded. Book/supplies/activity fee will not be refunded. 
c.    If a registered child is withdrawn from Religious School after November 1st of the current school year, no refund or credit will be given for any reason including but not limited to (a) if the program is required to be run as a virtual learning program or (b) any refund or credit is based upon any viruses and/or other micro-organism.  
d.    No refunds or credits will be given for a registered child in seventh grade for any reason including those set forth in (c) above. 

IV.    Photo/Digital Media Release:
By signing below, I give permission to North Shore Synagogue to use any video or photograph, either online or in print, or any video taken of my child and family with respect to any and all events and programs, religious or otherwise, for the purpose of marketing or promoting NSS and its programs. This remains in effect until such permission is terminated in writing.

V.    Student Information Release: 
By signing below, I give permission to North Shore Synagogue to share my child’s information with other families in the school. Information is including but not limited to name, guardians, address and phone number. 

I acknowledge that I have been informed of the Religious School/Youth Group activities and the provisions for my child’s involvement and I consent to my child’s participation in these activities. I hereby release North Shore Synagogue, Syosset, NY 11791 (NSS) and its officers, trustees and employees from any liability due to my child's participation in these events and activities other than liability caused by the gross negligence of NSS. In case of emergency, I hereby give my permission to the medical personnel selected by the NSS staff to provide medical care for my child, if NSS is unable to promptly reach you or the Emergency Contact at the Contact’s Phone Number both set forth above and such care is deemed necessary.

I have read and agree and consent to all terms and conditions listed above.
If you are a new member, you will also need to complete your membership information and registration forms if you haven't already.

If you have questions about your tuition category, select deposit and email registration@northshoresynagogue.org to confirm your tuition. 

Full amount for credit cards will be shown on checkout page.

Enrollment is not complete until deposit or full payment is due. Full tuition and supply/youth group/activity fee is due by the first day of school. Thank you!
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785